About Cafe at Westerman’s
The Langford family decided to open a family business in Hawke’s Bay in 1995.
Paul descended on Hawke’s Bay from the Navy in Auckland and John and Di from the Four Square in Gisborne.
After a short time Paul met his future wife Kylie who was hairdressing around the corner. He convinced her to join the team and they’ve been the faces behind the counter ever since.
Paul describes it as a living nightmare to be around his wife 24/7; however Kylie is in heaven hanging with such a cool guy.
John and Di retired and Kylie and Paul now have their two daughters involved on the weekends. So there have been many many changes along the way but some things will always remain the same:
Customers and staff members become friends and we still get full enjoyment of being a part of the thriving Hasting City Centre.